There is a popular internet meme I see passed along authors on Facebook. It is a cute little cartoon of a kind English teacher handing back a story to a young child with the caption: “This is really good. You should think about becoming a writer.” The punchline of the meme is underneath the cartoon, which goes thusly: “And therefore little Anne’s life was ruined.” Certainly, anyone who has wanted to make writing into a life’s passion sees the dark humor embedded within this simple meme. However, what does make writing so hard that we can make jokes about its destructive tendencies in a writer’s life? Perhaps it is the lack of monetary security. Even the most famous authors cannot rest on their laurels. Very few can afford to retire on their New York Times bestsellers. Nonetheless, many occupations require equal amounts of intensive labor with little monetary reward. Watching my parents operate a farm thought me this, that one should not fall into the hubris that writing is the hardes...